Mask-A-Raid on Medical and Religious Freedom
According to the dictionary, the word ‘masquerade’ is defined as ‘a false show or pretense.’ Synonyms include: deception, facade, cover-up, and act. How very fitting.
Using California as an example, are you aware that there is no mask law, nor is there any mask mandate in California? Governor Newsom, himself admitted, HERE, that he cannot issue an order or a mandate. The Department of Public Health has made a suggestion. It is a “guidance,” and nothing more.
No law exists, nor is there any penal code regarding masks. It is a masquerade (MASK-A RAID on your FREEDOM) to deceptively present this guidance as a law when it is not.
Nobody is taking away your rights. You are giving them away freely.
Your liberties and freedoms are being eroded slowly and methodically. If you believe you are mocking the status quo, or that you are only complying on a minimal level, every time you choose to wear a gauze, mesh, crocheted, knitted, lace, ‘humorous’ or ‘patriotic’ mask, or if you wear a pathetic, partially-compliant, and utterly useless chin hammock, you are part of the problem.
There is nothing humorous or patriotic about what is going on here. Pull your mask out of your ass long enough to see what is happening today, this week, this hour, in Australia, globally, and throughout most of our own nation.
We have been played and lied to since day one of this Plandemic. For every single article, blog, theory, or study done on the efficacy of mask wearing, there are two that prove otherwise. My doctor shares them with me, almost daily. Other caring and ethical doctors who have come forward with the truth, are being censored, silenced, mocked and threatened.
Masks have become an idol and false god to millions. Compliance devices are the first step in mind-numbing control. Look at what the masses have come to accept as the norm, in the past five months.

Blind obedience to government is not patriotism, it is quite simply stupidity. You are either part of the problem or part of the solution.
Imagine being so brainwashed that you put muzzles on children? You restrict vital oxygen to their growing brains, you condition them for blind servitude, you impede, block, and erase their facial expressions, and you invoke illogical fear, while putting them at even greater risk of trafficking. This is an act of shaming and endangering a child due to stupidity caused by lack of knowledge and due diligence.
If, and when, someone claims they are wearing a mask to protect others, that is a bold face lie of deception straight from the pit. They are, in fact, wearing a mask out of fear and ignorance. Masks were never created to protect anyone from viruses. If masks were effective in this way, there would be no reason for mask-a-raid partakers to be concerned about anyone else covering their faces. If the box that your child’s care seat came in, clearly stated that it was not effective in preventing injury and that it was not even designed for prevention of death or injury, would you still rely on that car seat to help protect your child?
A majority of the masses are under a spell of Mask Hysteria, as they literally dispel the truth and science, even when faced with concrete evidence-based research that proves that masks don’t protect against viruses.
The ‘new normal’ is based entirely on physical and psychological abuse and conditioning. Are you obediently standing on the little squares, circles, and X’s at the store yet? Have you watched or read The Handmaid’s Tale or studied the Book of Revelation lately?
When have you ever seen a person not wearing a mask, offended at others for wearing one, and getting in their face first to start conflict, or to bully and coerce them into not wearing one? Because, believe me, we, the un-muzzled, are even more uncomfortable being around the masked. They put us at risk. They take away our ability to identify them while they erode our freedoms and commit crimes against us and against humanity. And they remind us every moment we strain to see their faces or hear their muffled voices, of the Jews being led to slaughter. They are a painful reminder to me, of how easily they are willing to relinquish the very freedoms my grandfather and other ancestors died for.
Not one person has earned the right to impose their opinions, bullying, terrorism, abuse, discrimination, or lack of research on me or anyone else by suggesting that we bare-faced Patriots are selfish and without decency for not wearing a mask.
However, anyone may disagree with any of us who choose not to be muzzled and have our health adversely affected, and our medical and religious liberty stripped, after, and only after, they have invested countless hours of copious independent research into thoroughly grasping the true reasons why there are two strongly opposing sides to this debacle, as many of us have chosen to do.
When the masked sheep have studied reams of medical literature and peer-reviewed studies until their eyes are bloodshot and when they have lost countless nights of sleep researching the facts and not mere propaganda, then perhaps, we can all have a mutually respectful discourse.
In the meantime, if anyone chooses to cross the line and to verbally abuse and bully me or my husband or children by prying into our personal medical privacy, it won’t end well. Although thankfully, I have not yet been in a position to have to fight back, I am amply prepared. Do not say that I have not issued fair warning.
I’ve had several responses rehearsed for weeks should someone choose to publicly threaten, bully, or overtly abuse me or my family in public while exercising our legal right to utilize and enjoy any place of business.
Scenario A:
IF a Female Stranger attempts to bully me: You need to put a mask on. Why aren’t you wearing a mask? Why are you so selfish? You are putting me at risk.
Me: Why is your vagina so loose? Why won’t you give blow jobs?
Female Stranger: You are rude and totally out of line. You know absolutely nothing about my body. That’s none of your business.
Me: Exactly!
Scenario B:
IF a Male Stranger attempts to bully me: You need to wear a mask! How can you be so selfish and not wear a mask?
Me: Why is your penis so small and why don’t you do something about your ED?
Male Stranger: F#%K you. You don’t know SH$& about my dick or my business.
Me: Exactly!
I suppose I could also inform anyone who hassles me that it is unlawful for anyone with a Concealed Carry Permit to carry a firearm while masked.
I have had friends tell me horror stories of bare-faced abuse from masked strangers. This is unacceptable. While I will not stir up strife or begin a confrontation with anyone who chooses to wear a mask, I am prepared to cross the line of decency, if, and only IF, it has been breached by a freedom stripping, evil-doer, first.
Go ahead, ask me why I don’t wear a mask!
You see, my husband, a veteran, served to defend your freedom. Due to that service and the terrible things he was exposed to, I have watched him suffer and recover from numerous surgeries where his nose and cheeks, chin, and neck have been reconstructed with paper-thin tissue that simply cannot be exposed to a mask.
I have watched my youngest, precious daughter lose her ability to walk, talk, sing, and play, from immediate and profound vaccine injury. We have suffered the loss of her previously healthy and vibrant existence and had the heartache of having to place her in 24/7 residential care where a highly trained staff must care for her round the clock.
She is now reduced to the permanent mental age of 2, due to severe brain damage and encephalopathy from her vaccines. She requires a service dog just to ensure her safety in public when accompanied by multiple care givers. She cannot wear a mask for a laundry list of reasons.
My husband, and my daughters and I all have medical mask exemptions, written by our physicians. You can obtain a mask exemption. I can direct you to a health care provider through my coaching. Another resource for a free mask exemption form may be found HERE. It is nobody’s business why we have our medical exemptions unless we choose to share. Anyone asking us specifically why we cannot wear a mask, would be violating our HIPAA rights as well as ADA protections. It is also against my religious beliefs to wear one. You can obtain a religious exemption card HERE.
Even without a written exemption, it is a violation of our federal civil rights and our state’s civil rights to be denied the same free and unhindered enjoyment and access to all public areas, as anyone who chooses to wear a mask.
I encourage you to read Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Against Discrimination in Places of Public Accommodation.
And please familiarize yourself with California Civil Code 51 or whatever similar civil rights apply in your state. They were written for you and for me. Know your civil rights. We cannot cherry pick which civil rights we will defend and which ones are not that important. All civil rights matter!
This is one big experiment to see how far the American people are willing to bend.

My youngest, disabled daughter, who resides in the residential care facility, has never in her entire life, endured more than a couple of weeks without seeing me, her father, or siblings.
Since mid-March when this Plandemic and tyrannical shut down first began, she has been denied any and all physical contact with her loving family as her care home remains on indefinite lock-down due to the draconian overreach of our Governor.
It is unconscionable what this has done to her and thousands of other disabled children and young adults in her situation, as well as the elderly, ill, or dying, who have died alone or suffered needlessly, as she has.
Let’s use our critical thinking skills for just a moment, shall we?
The gated golf/lake community we JUST sold both our homes and moved away from just two months ago, has approximately 4000 residents. The majority of those residents are senior citizens. There has not been one single death from “the virus”, even with this mostly ‘high-risk’ demographic. If the ever-changing, warped/crooked, reported stats were even close to correct, we should have had a minimum of 4 deaths at .1%., or 40 deaths at 1%. These things should make one think. In fact, in the entire county of over 99,000 residents, only one has died a “Covid related death” and that person was in advanced age and fighting stage 4 cancer.
Dying from Covid and dying with Covid are two entirely different things. A person who succumbs to an accident and just happens to have a virus, did not die from a virus.
Meanwhile, in that same county, where I recently lived, countless business owners I know personally, due to egregious overreach of the local government, are not allowed to lawfully conduct business. They are being extortionately fined for attempting to maintain their livelihood, while gravely injured, elderly, and dying victims of car accidents and cancer are wrongly denied any contact with their family members in their last moments.

I find it Interesting that I have over 20,000 friends and followers on Facebook and on Twitter. I have over 4000 health coaching clients I’ve coached directly (many with serious pre-existing health conditions) over the past two decades and not one person has died of Covid nor has one been hospitalized for anything related to it.
However, I have had two friends/clients die of AIDS and over a dozen whose children/babies/teens/spouses have died from vaccine injury, as well as hundreds whose children are permanently disabled from profound vaccine injury like my youngest daughter. But you don’t see the economy being destroyed and our freedoms being stolen over those casualties.
California’s population is 39,512,000 (39.512 million) people. So, with 10,000 Covid-related ‘reported’ deaths in the state of California, California has had 0.02530877% Covid-19 related ‘reported’ deaths. If you don’t understand that this is 100% political then you need to watch less news and do more research just like those of us who are outraged and standing on principals. As my own doctor says, “If you’re afraid, just stay home.”
Even if you don’t have a medical exemption, you cannot possibly consider yourself a Patriot or even a citizen who values your civil rights or freedoms, if you are at peace with wearing a mask, AKA compliance device. Do you realize that being Bare Faced is Legal?
Will you be fine with the mandatory experimental gene therapy biologic that is coming, or have you already caved in and accepted that force-injected aborted fetal tissue, monkey, pig, chicken, eagle, and bovine DNA and carcinogens are simply a small price to pay to placate your misplaced fear? Are you willing to pay any price, if only to buy your freedoms back, that you have willingly and completely relinquished, in just a few short months?

If you think you are being bullied and coerced now, imagine the level it will escalate to, when you, a healthy citizen, are perceived as a public health threat by choosing not to vaccinate. It’s coming and the stage is being set. This is a dress rehearsal. If you comply with the mask-a-raid on your freedom, why wouldn’t you do the same with vaccines? What happens when you are told you cannot purchase essential items for your family without a vaccine? What will you do when it becomes a condition for employment, travel, entertainment, and more?
Are you even aware that if the currently reported death rate of Covid-19 is .03%, that the reported infant death rate from 14 clinical trials of GlaxoSmithKline’s PEDIARIX (DTP) vaccine is double that, .06%? But for some reason, the governments are not shutting down vaccine manufacturers or their recommended vaccine schedules the way they are shutting down global socio-economic activity, all in the name of protecting health.
That’s right, more children die from just one vaccine, than all people who die from Covid-19, yet they shut down the economy and schools for the “virus,” and what do they require for children to attend school? 72 vaccines are in the CDC’s current recommended childhood vaccine schedule. Are you beginning to connect the dots?
I implore you to make a resolute decision and draw a line in the sand. The time is now to decide on which side you stand. Decide now if you are ready to comply with being tracked, chipped, and vaccinated with aborted fetal tissue and DNA. The foundation is being laid. Now is not the time to be lukewarm.

Three percent of the world population died in WWII fighting against tyranny, and two percent of the population died fighting in the Civil War, and one in ten Americans who served in the Vietnam War perished. Yet millions of men are fine with abandoning their freedom for a ‘virus” with a .02% mortality rate, as they hide behind their masks? This just provides proof that injecting male babies with female aborted baby DNA has caused millions of men to abandon their manhood.
Our country isn’t free because of men who complied. It’s time for men to be men and rise up and take a stand. Real women do not find you attractive, standing in line, muzzled like sheep as you contribute to the fear, anxiety, depression, and isolation of your families and fellow countrymen. In fact, we find it repulsive.
Even if someone you love has not yet been killed or maimed by a vaccine, even if vaccines containing aborted fetal tissue harvested from live aborted babies doesn’t grieve you, this is about medical and religious freedom. Period.
If you are a person of faith, have you considered not only the physical detriment of wearing a muzzle, but the spiritual? Who breathed into you, the breath of life? Why would you willingly impede or relinquish that gift?
You were designed with an amazing immune system. Where is your faith in that incredible gift and more importantly in the Giver and Creator of that gift?
Have you studied the history of masks in dozens of other cultures? Are you aware that masks are worn in satanic rituals, while attendees are required to stand six feet apart? Have you even considered the long-term spiritual ramifications of wearing a mask/compliance device?
Personally, I would not be surprised if one loses a spiritual covering from willfully partaking in such a demonic practice. God has called us to hate that which is evil, not to comply with it.
Many of you say you will not take the mark of the beast. Yet too many of you are rolling over with the first step on that road to forced compliance.
I heard one mother state last week that while she is against masks, she forces her children to wear them in certain stores because she doesn’t like her children to being glared at, nor the rude comments that strangers sometimes make. Since when do we care what other people think, when it pertains to the health and safety of our children, physically, emotionally, or spiritually? What is this mentality modeling to our children? If your child is bullied or ridiculed for (you fill in the blank) not doing drugs, not shoplifting, not having an abortion, their faith, or whatever it is…you simply cave, to please strangers, succumb to peer pressure, or to fit in with the majority?
Masks, AKA countenance obstruction apparatus, compliance devices and de-humanizing facial accessories, are nothing more than articles of degradation and de-humanization to create a further divide of our nation while ensuring compliance for even more serious breaches to come.
The flu vaccine has been around since the 1940’s yet more than 60,000 die from the flu each year, with over 39 million cases of flu annually. If the flu vaccine is estimated to be somewhere between 11-45% effective and it has been out for 80 years, can you begin to connect the dots on the fast-tracked vaccine coming this fall for Covid-19?

This has never been about a virus. It is a methodically-staged global, political take-over of your freedoms.
I don’t watch the news. But I do read the Bible that tells us more than 300 times, not to be afraid.
Fear is how we give away our power.
If you are participating in this MASK-A-RAID, and social distancing, then please do stay away from me. I won’t participate.
“I hate those who cling to worthless idols; as for me, I trust in the Lord.” Psalm 31:6 NIV
August 17, 2020 @ 3:59 pm
I agree with you 100%. Our governor has mandated masks till the end of Sept and who knows what after that. Have you listened to Matt Trewhella sermon on masks. It was in July. He used the 9th commandment to support his message
We have to wear masks at work, but I am totally against it.
September 5, 2020 @ 6:09 pm
Great article, BUT: It could be so much better if the alleged coronavirus wasn’t just assumed to exist, because there is no scientific proof of an isolated and purified coronavirus nor any scientific proof that such a “virus” causes and transmits disease, even if it did exist. Several “smart” credentialed people, past and present, are of this persuasion.
September 7, 2020 @ 11:33 pm
Yes, you are absolutely right!
November 30, 2021 @ 9:26 pm
Agreed, thank you for your kind comment.
November 30, 2021 @ 9:25 pm
Yes! Thank you so much for your comment.
August 18, 2020 @ 1:07 am
Good article. You had a lot of great points, this was a very poignant and informative article..
November 30, 2021 @ 9:26 pm
Thank you Sharon.
August 21, 2020 @ 5:34 pm
Very informative and good article. i agree with you.
August 31, 2020 @ 11:54 pm
I really appreciate your kindness.
November 30, 2021 @ 9:27 pm
Thanks Ann, stand strong!
September 1, 2020 @ 12:52 am
Yes. Thank you. Agree whole-heartedly.
September 1, 2020 @ 1:57 am
Thanks Nicki! I appreciate the feedback.
September 2, 2020 @ 3:02 am
Thank you so much for this! I will be sharing widely! 😀
September 2, 2020 @ 5:37 pm
Thanks Paul!
November 30, 2021 @ 9:27 pm
I appreciate that Paul.
September 3, 2020 @ 12:44 pm
Fair play. A terrific piece of advocacy and great points – particularly the ones pertaining to religious/spiritual/conscience grounds and the titbits about Satanic ceremonies is very good. Solidarity from a fellow resister in Ireland
September 7, 2020 @ 11:33 pm
Thank you !
September 5, 2020 @ 8:35 pm
Wearing a mask for the purpose of the COVID-19 agenda:
– Is humiliating and degrading to those who refuse to wear – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Promotes and creates selfishness, anger, hatred, violence, paranoia, and fear – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Promotes and creates prejudice, false judgments, false accusations, false witness, and intolerance – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Promotes and creates strife, division, ignorance, and oppression in the world and among God’s people – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Promotes and creates depression, despair, physical and mental sickness – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Violates Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 and possibly 242, at a minimum – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Deters from worshiping Almighty God and fellowship with the saints – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Covers up the man’s biblical beard which is an embarrassment – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Reduces oxygen intake and increases carbon dioxide intake which is harmful – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Creates a harmful, unsanitary inhalation environment – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Is a public safety threat when worn while driving – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Is a public health threat as it provides a false sense of security to others – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Implies that you and others are dirty/contaminated or “infected/contagious” and a “threat to humanity” – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Creates an unsafe shopping environment due to concealed identities – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Puts children at risk by the concealed identity of predators – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Is physically and mentally abusive and traumatizing especially to children and elderly – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Is based on superstition and religious beliefs of alleged disease-causing evil spirits, now referred to as disease-causing viruses that only a few “enlightened” ones can supposedly see – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Assumes an invisible disease-causing virus exists and has been scientifically proven to exist and scientifically proven to cause and transmit disease, which has not been done – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Creates a barrier to communication through muffled speech and unseen nonverbal facial expressions – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Symbolizes subjugation to man and being muzzled like a dog – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Symbolizes slavery and being branded with a hot iron or given identification badges – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Suppresses individuality, dehumanizes and attacks “the image of God” creation of man bringing it down to the level of animals – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Allows God’s creation to be easily killed since man is viewed as nothing but an animal – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Indicates consent to tyranny and participation in a manufactured crisis and an antichristian religious agenda that is responsible for murder, sickness, and hardship – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Indicates acceptance and participation in a religious ritual – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Indicates belief in and acceptance of lies, absurdities, and foolishness – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Indicates unquestionable belief in the doctrines of man and the deification of so-called scientists, Allopaths, and the State – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Indicates the State is the one and only source of truth – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Indicates a believer may be suffering from a “strong delusion” sent by the Lord – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Indicates the believer does not “endure sound doctrine,” does not “try the spirits, is not “wise as serpents,” and is but a child “tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;” – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Is a precursor to “the mark of the beast,” and prepares and conditions all people to accept even greater evils, such as mandatory testing, examination, house visitation, house arrest, vaccination, drugs, microchips, and whatever else the evildoers can possibly contrive – all of which is in exchange for being able to buy, sell, work, and function “freely and peaceably” in the world – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
– Creates a class of “untouchables” and “lepers” for the so-called non-compliant and supposedly infected/unclean who become targets of violence and mockery for the fearful mob and, which has been so common throughout history, worthy of extermination for the good of humanity, in the name of public health and disinfection – THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
So in a country where love, peace, freedom, tolerance, and respect are taught daily, and even taught daily in the name of Jesus, the complete opposite is now suddenly acceptable and encouraged, WHICH IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
Finally, wherever there’s a mandatory medical/religious mask requirement to function in life, a life that Almighty God has created, who is responsibility for all financial costs, distress, and damages associated with any adverse effect resulting from wearing or requiring said medical/religious mask, be it physical, spiritual, mental, emotional, legal, or business? No one. No one is liable. No one takes responsibility. THIS IS ANTICHRISTIAN.
If all the order-followers are “just doing their job/obeying orders” playing doctor and lawyer to selfishly make money while puffing themselves up as virtuous without accepting responsibility for their actions and refusing to ask questions, how is this any different than the Nazis who did likewise? It is not. AND THIS IS, ONCE AGAIN, ANTICHRISTIAN.
The Law of the Land is ultimately comprised of two commandments – love God and love your neighbor, and all of the aforementioned violates both, and is therefore, ANTICHRISTIAN.
September 7, 2020 @ 11:34 pm
Beautifully stated!