Gemma’s Story

My disability kept me from doing most of the things people my age can do. I had heard of and seen service dogs and what they can do but it seemed way out of my price range as most non-profits charge over $12,000 for a service dog that can do the tasks I need.

I had heard about Carmel Mooney and how she had trained over five dozen service dogs successfully around the country. I found four people on the west coast who she had trained dogs for who let me come and meet their dogs and see them in action. Then I hired Carmel Mooney to help me acquire the perfect dog and to train it. The cost to coach with Carmel and have her help me train my own service dog, was a tiny cost compared to getting a service dog from a large national organization.

Pepe and I are inseparable. He is my best friend and companion but best of all he keeps me safe and never leaves my side. Pepe and I will always be grateful for Carmel and all she has done for both of us.