Football: Ten Reasons I Won’t Watch Another Game
I find football absolutely nauseating and despicable. But probably not for the reasons you might think.
In the 80’s I worked for the San Francisco 49ers football team at their summer training camp at Sierra College while I was attending school there in Rocklin, California. I was the perfect candidate for the job as I had no clue who any of the arrogant, women-abusing, self-absorbed, egotistical, half brain-dead jerks actually were.
Most of the football players cheated on their wives in the dorms, mocked, avoided, slandered, and hid from their fans in my office, and literally cowered under my desk to avoid fans and autographs.

I really was the best girl for the job because I was totally and completely unimpressed.
I had absolutely no clue who Joe Montana, Ronnie Lott, Dwight Clark and their entire bunch were. The only name that was familiar to me was Ronnie Lott. That was a high school and college drinking game as far as I knew. Working for these idols was just a job to me. It was entertaining at best and quite the eye opener.
Being raised in Carmel, California with countless movie stars and celebrities in our home and family business, famous people never phased me.
Clint Eastwood and his wife Maggie and their kids, Doris Day, Bob Hope, Steve Allen, Merv Griffin, Bing Crosby, The Beach Boys, Allen Funt, Sir Lawrence Olivier, Ansel Adams, and so many countless other celebrities frequented as our home as dinner guests while I was growing up. I never had any infatuation whatsoever with celebrity status.
As I ran the 49ers’ errands, chauffered them around, and did their personal assistant grunt work, I saw first hand what complete morons and entitled asses most of these supposed celebrity athletes really were.
Four years later I’d see the same thing again when I worked with the Sacramento Kings as a volunteer for a charity that the Kings supported. It was my job to drive the Sacramento Kings around to their speaking engagements for this charity and its fundraisers. Cramming 7 foot tall athletes in my new ’88 Nissan Sentra was always a challenging feat.
While they were my captive audience in my little coupe, I was intrigued listening to their stories and backgrounds as they would tell me how they had typically bombed out of high school and college but had gotten free rides to universities simply for playing basketball.
I watched one football game in high school 40 years ago and when I saw one of my classmates being hauled off in an ambulance after laying motionless on the field, that pretty much did it for me. But that is not the reason for my repugnance towards it.
I’ll never forget my shock in learning that an ambulance actually sat on the ready next to every high school football game “sporting event.” How does this make any sense if you even consider this objectively and use critical thinking skills?
To this day, I still can’t believe people have been brainwashed by culture, upbringing, traditions media, or whatever, to actually think football is something acceptable, normal, entertaining, and worthy of support.
My true disdain for anything football grew exponentially when my high school boyfriend took me out on a date during Stupid Bowl Sunday. I’d never heard of the Stupid Bowl. It was 1984. We stopped by his house in Seaside, California on the Monterey Peninsula, to pick up his jacket and I sat in the car in the driveway patiently waiting for him to retrieve his jacket from his room.
I saw several cars parked on his street and heard concerning screaming and commotion coming from his house. I immediately felt sickened as I knew that his parents had a history of domestic violence. But he assured me when he came back to the car with his jacket, that the screaming was due to his parents’ ensuing Super Bowl Party.
I had never heard of such a thing and could not imagine why there was such screaming coming from his living room. He just shrugged it off, and assured me that it was just a stupid game and to ignore it while we left for our date.

Over the course of high school, college and grad school I had more than a dozen boyfriends whom I can remember. Thankfully none of them watched football or ever once asked me to watch it or attend a game.
For some reason the men I dated and was attracted to, lived life to the fullest doing manly activities themselves, with their friends, families, or with me. They didn’t watch strangers on TV engaging in a sport that breaks bodies and creates lasting and repetitive brain injury for profit.

Perhaps you’re wondering if the men I dated were weirdos or pansies? Well, if you consider a USAF Thunderbird on the world famous precision performance flying team a pansy, then maybe.
And if you consider three men I dated (and one whom I married) were pilots who owned their own airplanes (as did I in my late 20’s), professional musicians, avid fishermen and hunters, competitive endurance horse riders, motorcyclists, car enthusiasts, divers, water polo players, golfers, men who sailed their own boats, competitive salsa and swing dancers (me too), extreme skiers and snowboarders, motocross champions, body builders (as was I), endurance cyclists, championship bowlers and tennis players, ranchers, boaters, water skiers, all sissies…then I guess, yeah, I must only go for artsy-fartsy types.

I was raised in a home with two manly men. Both were testosterone-dumping, masculine gentlemen who could build or fix anything car or home-related, treated women with respect, and never ever watched a single football game during my 18 years growing up in the same functional upper-middle-class home in Carmel, California. Not one. That’s why I truly had no clue what a Stupid Bowl was in 1984.
Just thinking about the stereotypical, sports-fantical male screaming and shouting at a big screen while guzzling beer and stuffing his face with chicken wings, sliders, poppers, and nachos, completely and utterly repulses me.

So does she hate sports, you may wonder? I guess one could think that if you put aside the fact that I was a competitive ice skater and played tennis 5-6 days a week as a kid growing up in Carmel.
I could fish, filet, and tie a mean Trilene tackle knot before the age of 6 while later landing 30 pound halibut, salmon, tuna, and 575 pound blue marlin on 80# test.
I played basketball on my own home court nearly every single day growing up and many of the Summer and Autumn days of my youth were spent surfing.
I eventually became a Certified Personal Trainer, and Sports Massage Therapist for 11 years while I taught aerobics and weight training. In my 20’s and 30’s and 40’s I could out shoot most any woman and even most men at the range whenever I re-qualified for my concealed weapons permit every two years.
I also spent my teen summers training and conditioning horses for the 100 mile Tevis Cup endurance ride. I spent years in my late 20’s on the USAF Officers Wives Club bowling league and played volleyball for two years on an adult volleyball league.
I have personally sailed a sailboat around most of the islands off the coast of Maine, and several in the West Indies. I also built and drag raced my own cars in college.

For the last four years, I have played pickleball, the nation’s fastest growing sport, 8-10 hours per week and in the Summer and Autumn months I love to Stand up Paddleboard 2-4 miles per day, 4-5 days per week. I also practice archery every week and am an avid mountain biker. I wrote a golfing column for 10 years from 2000-2010 where I was paid to travel to the best golf courses in the world to write about them.
Until the Plandemic, I was a competitive ballroom dancer and salsa dancer since 1995 and was on a salsa dancing team with my daughter. No, I really don’t think I hate sports. I just abhor wasting life sitting in front of an idiot box watching and idolizing people who don’t even care that I exist.
What I do despise is everything to do with the Stupid Bowl and with organized professional football. I abhor that Stupid Bowl Sunday is the biggest human trafficking day of the year and that people idolize and support it.
For the past 20 years I’ve joked that every single year I can tell you who will win the Stupid Bowl if someone just tells me the names of the teams who are playing.
Since I know very little related to the actual game of football nor about the players of any team, I can accurately guess the winning team simply based on the ludicrous names of the teams.
My husband teases me every year when I repeatedly choose, who will win, just by the ridiculous names of the teams. He says I could bank some serious side cash if I was the gambling type. All kidding aside, it is such an easy thing to guess who will win and who will lose just based on the names.

That’s another thing. Four years ago, was the first year of my entire adult life that someone asked if I wanted to bet on some football gambling game pool grid box kinda thing.
I had never heard of such a thing. I looked it up. It’s actually illegal. It’s a misdemeanor in California. That was also the first year I heard the term Fantasy Football. Seriously? Wow. Just wow. I am amazed this is a thing.

I choose to not involve myself in such nonsense. I have five college degrees, a teaching credential, and four professional certificates, I’ve published 12 books and 5000 articles in national magazines.
It’s amazing what one can accomplish when you don’t fritter your life away watching strangers giving each other brain injuries, on a flat screen TV. I’m also a Certified Master Christian Life Coach, I attended Texas A&M for grad school (nope, never watched a single football game there, either) or any of the other three universities or two colleges where I have attended or graduated.

My education and training in health and sports physiology and sports massage only further solidified my disdain for football even more passionately as the brain injuries, and broken bodies I’ve seen, treated, and coached are nothing less than appalling.
I’ve seen former NFL players sue their former employer in a failed attempt to force them to cover the millions of dollars of brain surgeries and life threatening bodily injuries and surgeries they’ve sustained, all in the name of the mighty dollar.
Have I offended you yet?
I’m also a Believer and I find it difficullt to reconcile how a Bible/Torah believer can support football. While I wasn’t a Believer growing up, once I read the Bible/Torah several times over and discovered how beautifully and fearfully we are made by our Creator who implores us to be good stewards of our health and bodies/temple.
I can’t fathom someone who would willfully break and damage their body or enjoy watching someone else harming their body, for money or for fame. I nannied three boys in my 20’s.
I’ve also raised four girls and a boy, and fostered another. Three of those were children I gave birth to.
I certainly didn’t scrutinize every single thing I ingested while pregnant, spend years of my life breastfeeding, bust my butt to grow our own fresh organic vegetables, raise my own free range chickens, and cook and bake everything from scratch while insisting that my kids wear helmets and life jackets and buckle them up in car seats to just to send them out to break their bodies into a million pieces or concuss their brains, deliberately, for fun or profit.
A few of my high school and college classmates were serious high school and college football stars. Each and every one of them is in their 50’s like me, and they are sadly and permanently disabled from their vast and permanent football injuries and related surgeries.
Is it worth the pain, suffering, and constant never-ending surgeries they endure ? When I watch the agony they and their families must face, surgery after surgery, and see their constant surgery and health related posts, I would guess not.
I watched my own uncle who played football for the USAF and for the Seahawks, live a life of pain, loss, and physical misery from his countless football injuries.
One of my friends’ roommates, today, lives a terrible life with absolutely no quality, with a shunt in his brain, while he undergoes surgery after surgery each year trying to stay alive from his profound NFL injuries while in constant litigation to compel them to pay for injuries and surgeries they caused and at one time had promised to cover. But naturally they have left him high and dry. He was simply a pawn and cash cow they used for profit and now he is of no use to them.
I support the principals of capitalism and free enterprise. The obscene amount of money these professional buffoons earn doesn’t bother me as much as the corruption of the money made and the cover ups and dishonesty they are shrouded in. Did I mention their disrespect for the very country that offers them the opportunity to make their tens of millions of dollars while they thumb their noses at our patriotism?
A few years ago when fellow patriots began talking about boycotting the NFL due to blatant disrespect for our country, I was not the least bit surprised. These ball-toting baffoons have always been entitled and disrespectful; it was just finally manifesting in yet another facet that many of their “fanatical followers” hadn’t before seen. It was no news to me after working for these fools in the 80’s.

I get a chuckle at people yelling and screaming at a box or flat screen TV, as if the people playing football know these “fanatics” or even care. Aside, from the revenue they provide, I assure you these “football stars” don’t care about them in the slightest.
I’ve seen grown men angry or depressed that “their team” didn’t win. Believe me, it’s not your team. You don’t own it and the half brain-dead players don’t like you or even care about you. I know. I saw the disgusting things the 49ers said about their “fans” and how they mocked them, behind their backs and hid from them, when I worked for them in 1985, 1986, and 1987.
What you see when you sit brain-numbed in front of that flatscreen is a monetary-driven theater and show, scripted and fake, where you are never allowed to see the reality behind the make-believe, much the same way you are not seeing the truth on the mainstream news or from the conventional medical establishment.
The Sacramento Kings were not the sharpest tools in the shed either, when I worked for them in the early 90’s. But at least some of them were respectful of their fans and of their country, and I saw a tiny handful who were faithful to their wives and girlfriends.
I’ll continue to spend my free time cycling, snowshoeing, ice skating, playing tennis, hiking, fishing, hunting, paddleboarding, surfing, kayaking, salsa dancing, sailing, traveling, gardening, sewing and knitting, working in ministry, and playing pickleball rather than watching strangers bash and destroy each other for big money as they are idolized by people who don’t even know them.

I have had countless people ask me for years how I have managed to raise so many kids while publishing books, thousands of articles, taught classes and seminars, wrote 8 columns, produced my own radio show for two decades, exercised, canned, fermented, tended a huge garden, raised my own beef and chickens, traveled on 900 free press trips around the world, and taught thousands how to do the same, sewn, quilted, knitted, crocheted, did volunteer work, ministry, and managed to coach hundreds of people around the world and still found time to keep my sanity and my laundry washed, dried, and folded.
My answer has been the same for 30 years…it is mind-boggling what one can accomplish if they are good stewards of their time and body rather than sitting infront of a television or flat screen living vicariously through someone else.
You won’t see me paying exhorbitant sums of money to watch others do life or rotting my own life away on a couch shouting at people who can’t hear me and don’t know me.
In fact, if I walk into any dining establishment and see a football game playing, I will automatically walk out. Just the idiotic, hypnotic, and droning noise makes my stomach so queasy that I would not be able to enjoy or digest a meal.
Football “fans”…? Just the word “fanatic” bothers me deeply. Talk about idolatry. I recently published a book on the dangers of that.
I wouldn’t doubt that most families today would be a lot healthier physically, emotionally and spiritually if less time was spent watching and obsessing over and idolizing something that has absolutely no effect on someone’s life.
What if more time was spent with spouses, children, and siblings creating lasting bonds and memories actually doing productive things together like spending quality time together partaking in sports, past-times, hobbies, or developing life and survival skills together like planting a garden, woodworking, automotive repair, sewing, building things, travel, fishing, hunting, cooking, camping, music, theater, and art.
Life is an adventure and a gift. Health is probably the single most valuable physical commodity we have. For me, life is to be lived and enjoyed and shared, not spent watching someone else for endless hours, who you don’t even know and probably wouldn’t even like and who doesn’t even know or care that you exist.
Men (or women) obsessing over football and discussing scores and teams and stats at length, remind me of shallow women gossiping about soap operas or the next reality show, because they have no real life of their own.
I know a grandfather who knows nothing about his own grandchildren but can recite every sports stat of virtualy every well-known player and team. I have met many more like him.
Can you imagine what the world would be like if more people put that much energy, time, focus, and money into the loved ones in their lives?
I love good food, books, travel, music, and sex just as much as the next person, but I certainly don’t have any desire to waste my valuable time watching narrated play by plays of strangers eating a delicious meal, reading a novel, or partaking in a good romp.
I prefer to live life richly and without limits, not watch others engage in activities that have no bearing on my life whatsoever. Life is not a spectator sport.
Thanks to YouTube videos, a few years ago I finally watched one of the disgusting halftime shows that seemed to have suddenly outraged so many. I might as well have been watching porn when I saw that halftime show. I guess it should not shock me that our society has stooped so low on yet another level.
I bet I have saved a fortune for decades not having cable TV.
Four or five years ago, the same people who got their panties in a bunch over lewd and lascivious comments that Donald Trump made in private, seemed to be just fine with the excrement called a halftime show and had no problem allowing their children to watch the revolting trash, all the while under the guise of entertainment. Talk about brain dead programming and brain washing!
But make no mistake; I believe people should most certainly have the freedom to choose what is best for them, even it that means wasting their time in front of a screen fanatically frittering away their lives in homage to people whose god is money.
Sadly, many of my clients have come to me once it was too late and they had already experienced life-altering disabilities and injuries from getting their first or second shot. Thankfully, most have come to me first and never caved to the enormous pressure because their health and future was more important to them than the mighty dollar.

I wish I could say that was the case with most NFL players and other obscenely compensated professional athletes. The fact that money is their god, was proven evident far before the mandates came out in recently years.
When hundreds and hundreds of professional and amateur athletes began dropping like flies on national television and in stadiums and fields around the globe, this came as absolutely no surprise to me for two reasons.
One, because I had been educating my readers and listeners for over two years on how and why tahis would be occuring. (I discussed this recently as a special guest on the Stew Peter’s Show.)
And second, because I already knew where their loyalties and priorities lay when it came to their NFL careers and their fortunes.
Over 91% of the NFL has taken the experiemental gene therapy biologic (deathjab). The carnage has only just started with over 1100 dead athletes from the deathjab, in just the past year and a half.
And for every single one you see, read, or hear about, there are a thousand more who are not in the public eye, particularly since less than 1% of those killed or maimed are ever reported to VAERS. You just won’t hear about them on the mainstream media that is bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical companies.
The truth will always reveal itself eventually. You don’t have to defend it. It can easily be viewed by millions of sheep on Monday night football. The truth will defend itself quite nicely.
Even employees of the deathjab manufacturers have come to me and my medical and religious freedom team for medical exemptions from the deathjab. That’s right, the very individuals who make the bioweapon, seek exemptions, because they “know too much.”
What people do on their own time, is entirely their business. But, no, this year, like every other year, I won’t be watching the Stupid Bowl at the Super Dumb or anywhere else it might play.
I won’t be watching professional or amateur athletes dropping like flies. I already see quite enough of that every single day through my medical and religious liberty coaching practice.
Disclaimer: Most of my posts and articles are reported on science and indisputable fact. I was a credentialed member of the working media for 27 years writing thousands of print articles for many national magazines and newspapers. I had my own radio show for over two decades. Truth and factual reporting is of the utmost importance to me. Please note, this particular piece is largely written as an opinion post to share my own personal (and possibly unpopular) views in an entertaining, honest, and thought-provoking way. Links to the actual medical science behind the experimental gene therapy biologic are included in this post and can all be found HERE as well.
February 10, 2024 @ 8:10 am
Thanks again for such a brilliant analysis of yet another make-believe television “circus” creation (aka NFL “entertainment”) designed to distract us from the real evil going on in this sin-sick, pleasure-seeking world.