Why I Won’t Tell People That They Should Not Celebrate Halloween
This is the time of the year when I see countless posts, articles and videos on why people should not celebrate Halloween or take part in Halloween activities.
While most of these admonitions come from well-meaning people who hope to warn others, largely they come across as preachy, dogmatic, or judgmental. Furthermore, these warnings are usually futile and fall on deaf or defensive ears.
I know as a Christian Life Coach and author for many years that you rarely can coerce someone into embracing a truth. Usually a better approach is to educate, inspire, and empower people by example and by helping them discover things for themselves while enouraging a shift in mindset or knowledge.
I have coached and counseled my clients, listeners, and readers on nutrition, and on health and wellness for over two decades. Health and wellness truths also commonly fall on deaf ears, unless someone is actively seeking better health, has had a wake up call or health crisis, or they are ready and open to improving their current vitality and quality of life.
Spiritual health is really no different. Once you know better, you generally strive to do better.
Decades ago when I learned the facts and saw the truth for myself I quit eating fast food, sodas, high fructose corn syrup, and otherwise unhealthy foods. But I certainly didn’t cease my occasional enjoyment of these harmful things because someone simply told me to. I stopped because I was inspired by seeing what these things negatively did to others. I then earnestly sought out the facts and information to make a more informed personal decision.
If one’s immune system is weak or they have a pre-existing condition like diabetes or obesity, even one soda or horribly unhealthy meal can cause harm. Spiritual matters are quite similar but they have eternal consequences. I will explain in a moment.
I have coached people all over the world for over twenty years on how to rid the demonic activity or spiritual harassment in their lives. For spiritual warfare of this type to be successful, an individual must first close the doors to the demonic realm that they opened in the first place. A basic knowledge of the cunning and horribly legalistic ways that demonic spirits operate and of their heriarchy as explained in the Bible must first be understood as well as a thorough understanding of a Believer’s power and authority, for successful deliverance to be achieved.
These truths are certainly not spiritual baby food but rather meat and potatoes. And much like you would not expect a baby Christian to have the knowledge base to wage heavy duty spiritual warfare, it is unfair to expect someone ignorant in spiritual matters to understand the abomination that any part of Halloween is to God/Yahweh. You cannot blame someone who has never studied God’s/Yahweh’s word and who does not have the Holy Spirit, for not knowing truth from lie when it comes to spiritual matters.
I have read every post, comment, and creative excuse imaginable as to why passing out candy with Bible tracts is okay, why Halloween is just harmless fun if gorey costumes aren’t worn, why intention is all that matters, why Trunk or Treat is harmless, why rebranding it as All Saints Day or Harvest Festival or a Halloween alternative makes it fine, why the origins and history really don’t matter anymore, that Christians observe other pagan holidays, and I could list a dozen more. They are all lies or flimsy excuses that don’t hold up or reconcile wth the Word of God and make no more sense than going to an orgy to pass out Bible tracts, or dressing up as a transexual and marching in a gay pride parade with the intent to win souls or just have harmless fun when you aren’t really gay.
I have gay friends. I don’t go to gay bars with them, march in their parades, or even attend their weddings. I have had friends who commited adultery. I didn’t invite them and their side honey over for dinner. I have had friends with alcohol and drug problems. I didn’t sit with them while they did drugs or got drunk. I have had friends who were Freemasons yet I didn’t get involved in their clubs or secret societies. I love sinners but I hate sin. I won’t knowingly partake in something or spend time and money to involve myself in something that I now know is wrong when God/Yahweh says it clearly is.
While Believers have the power and authority to cast out demons, and to overcome all the power of the enemy and to break curses by the power of the Holy Spirit and by the power and blood of Jesus/Yeshua, it shows extreme spiritual immaturity to continue in unrepentant sin and to open doors to the demonic and to become yoked in any way with darkness or the celebration of darkness.
The past few years as more people have become awakened to the presence of evil and darkness permeating every facet of our society, more ex-witches, Satanists, occultists and those previously rooted in withcraft have come forward to share the true depth of the spiritual significance associated with any involvement in Halloween.
These formerly deceived individuals have shared graphic detail of what they used to do and of how those still involved in darkness, regularly walk the store aisles cursing the candy and treats and all who take them. Anyone who thinks that they can simply ignore a curse or cursed object while accepting it into their home or into their children’s lives and bodies while another day taking communion, or accepting a blessing is sadly hypocritical and grossly ignorant about how the spirit realm operates. But it is no suprise when we have congregations of Christian social clubs dressed up as churches while they serve ghost and witch cookies to the sheep being led to slaughter.
One cannot Christianize what is an abomination to the one we profess to follow, love, and worship.
While I won’t tell people they should not take any part in anything even resembling Halloween, I will certainly explain why I won’t if someone asks me.
It saddens me to see Believers lying to themselves and others by kidding themselves into the deceptive thinking that handing out candy on Halloween isn’t really celebrating Halloween. Imagine a “ministry” hands out candy and says, “Happy All Saints Day,” or “Happy Trunk or Treat; Jesus loves you.” Do you really think those innocent children whose parents took them there for candy are going to go home and tell their friends, “Look at all the Saints Day candy I got tonight!” Can parents actually expect their children to trust them if they claim to not celebrate Satan’s Holy Day yet take them in costumes (or not) to get candy that has been skillfully, deeptively, and misleadingly renamed for a different ocassion or cause? And what hypocritical nonsense are they teaching those children by instilling that Jesus/Yeshua loves them although they themselves don’t love God/Yahweh enough to honor and obey Him as His word instructs.
I’ve heard the ridiculous lie that passing out candy or Bible tracts that night is easier because there are more people out on that night to reach. If you can’t win souls by truth and example and by abstaining from darkness, you might be doing something wrong. Years ago I was one of those deceived Believers. I never did see a single soul come to learn of Our Heavenly Father’s love, truth, or plan for salvation from a single piece of candy that I passed out on Satan’s Holy-Day but I sure have seen peoples’ lives radically transformed and have led people to a saving faith by ministering to the homeless, the hungry, those devastated by natural disasters, and to those in prisons and schools, and in daily divine appointments with friends, neighbors, co-workers, and acquaintances.
There is no need to step outside of God/Yahweh’s will in order to win souls for the Kingdom. Imagine what would happen if Believers chose to not partake in Halloween related events in any capacity. Halloween and Trick or Treating would largely die out if we made it more difficult for kids to find places encouraging their involvement. But instead we make it easier and encourage them to celebrate?
Many years ago, when I had not studied the Bible and Torah I mistakingly deceived myself into thinking that dressing up as anything that wasn’t overtly evil or dark in appreance such as a hula girl, cowgirl, or Girl Scout was harmless. I had to repent for allowing and encouraging my kids to do the same.
After spending two decades in deliverance ministry, helping thousands of people all over the world break free from demonic torment in their lives, I know how serious the spiritual ramifications and consquences truly are for involving ourselves in any aspect of darkness and the occult.
Personally, I love life, light, goodness, blessing, truth, righteousness, and things and fruits of the Holy Spirit. I like to meditate on and invest my time in what is lovely, pure, noble, beautiful, and edifying. I abhor anything that celebrates death, darkness, hell, demons, sorcery, divination, Satan, sin, cursings, and evil.
Chances are most people who celebrate any part of Halloween have curses operating in their lives directly related to their disobedience.
Watching innocent and trusting children being snared into darkness and potential demonic harassment under the guise of fun, candy, and festivities is just as deceptive, cruel, coercive, and dishonest as any drag queen reading stories to schoolkids or any teacher/counselor/doctor who encourages a pre-pubescent child to switch sexual identies or to undergo radical transgender surgery.
This year, I won’t be posting on social media why others should not partake in Halloween, Satan’s Holy Day, But I am happy to share why I personally, choose not to be involved.
My newest book that was just released in August 2022 draws from over two decades in deliverance ministry. In it, I offer practical, step-by-step guidance for the reader to overcome and defeat demonic influence and harassment.
It shows how to step into the power, authority, and victory that has already been accomplished for Believers. It further details how to reclaim and occupy the territory that the enemy has stolen, and how to remain free.
My new book explains little-known cunning and legalistic ways that demons commonly gain entry, how they hide, and how they operate within their military systems. I expose over 800 common things that attract demonic activity into a person’s life. I present exactly how to prepare for spiritual battle and how to win it victoriously.
Included are specific steps and detailed prayers that are critial to break free from generational entanglements from anyone’s ancestors’ probable involvement in over 50 different secret societies around the world.
In my book, I show how to effectively break all the curses on the curse continuum and how to break unholy soul ties. I explain how to heal from inner wounds and trauma, and how to stay free once delivered. Dozens of true stories of victory are shared, as well as a proven step-by-step guide to winning the reader’s own spiritual war and stepping into the fullness and abundance that God/Yahweh has ordained.
CLICK HERE to learn more or to purchase my new book.
You might benefit from self-deliverance and/or deliverance coaching and inner healing if some of these apply to you:
Do you have an obsession and fascination or preoccupation with the Occult: paranormal, new age, ghosts, Halloween, Day of the Dead, dragons, skulls, dark demonic entities, aliens, UFO’s, King Tut, dark fantasy, dark humor, dark movies/music/make-up/costumes, graveyards, Sasquatch, Loch Ness Monster, Vampires, Zombies, end time doom and gloom, transgenders, transvestites, focus on conspiracy theories rather than God?
Have you ever been tormented by obsessive thoughts of self harm or suicide? Depression for no apparent reason? Anxiety? Bad dreams?
Do you have difficulty sleeping, or losing weight even when eating right and exercising?
Do you believe you have communicated or been visited or helped by a deceased loved one?
Do you ever feel like gossip, conflict, accusation, fear, or rejection follow you?
Have you dabbled in voodoo, witchcraft, Wicca, and other occult practices? (psychics, horoscopes, palmistry, spirit guides, smudging, Reiki, talking to the dead, necromancy/mediums)
Do you have ancestors or family members who have murdered, stolen, committed adultery, or been members of secret societies?
Have you been a victim of a trauma, rape, molestation, or adultery?
Do you struggle with bitterness, anger, fear, pride, arrogance, lying, fantasies, legalism, lack/poverty, or self righteousness?
Do you sometimes see spirits or orbs in your home or in your photographs?
Do certain antiques, family heirlooms, or gifts from others give you uneasy feelings?
Have you had strange or fluke accidents, illnesses, injuries, or calamities that make no sense?
Do you see recurring themes or disturbing addictions or behaviors that seem to “run in the family” lines?
Do you see demons, apparitions, often out of the corner of your eye, looking through windows or in mirrors?
Have you experienced sleep paralysis, feeling that a demon or entity is holding you down or watching or stalking you?
Have you experienced sexual demonic dreams or experiences, dreams of lust where the person changes into a demon (sometimes referred to as shape-shifting) or demons having sex with you in dreams?
Have you experienced repeated nightmares or night terrors, often being chased, choked, drowned, raped or of astral projections in dreams?
Do you see or look for repeated numbers constantly that you might think are from angels or messages from God: 1111, 1212, 444, 666, and others?
Do you have intense fears or phobias such as of spiders, frogs, heights, bridges, driving, leaving the house?
Do you have emotions that are out of control: outbursts, lashing out, rage, hate, crying, defensiveness, fear, distrust, jealousy?
Do you struggle with cursing God, blaming God, taking God’s name in vain, blaspheming of the Holy Spirit?
Do you struggle with intense feelings of rejection, of being unworthy, unlovable, distrust, easily offended, avoiding people?
Do you struggle with intense fear or thoughts of dying, illness, disease?
Do you struggle with dark or evil presences: feeling that someone is watching you, things open/close/turn on/turn off when nobody is there, things move or levitate in house, overwhelming fear of being alone or in a room or home, pets growl or bark for no reason, things breaking or being destroyed for no reason, bone-chilling cold spots in room or home?
Do you experience strange sensations in body: feeling of hair, spider webs, crawling sensation, ear ringing, or flashes of light or shadows, sensation that someone has touched your head or shoulder, arms, or back when nobody is there, ice pick-like stabbing pains, repetitive muscle twitches?
Do you experience unexplained scratches or bruises on the body that have no medical origin?
Do you experience a spiritual void or feeling distant from God; find it hard to read the Bible, praise, or understand scripture, sleepy/confused/distracted/restless in church or when praying?
Have you experienced poltergeist occurrences in home or vehicle: things knocked over, things fly through air, scratching/banging/slamming of doors/walls, electronic failure, people or pets knocked down, lights turn off on their own?
Have you experienced out of body experiences such as levitation, astral projection?
Have you experienced strange and reoccurring electrical experiences: feeling electricity in body or brain, shocking others or electronic equipment or lights, recurring electronic failure of computers, cell phones, appliances etc?
Have you experienced abnormal voice sounds: sounding like a person of the opposite sex, or of a child or someone you know or don’t know?
Have you experienced strange, non-medically related eye issues: abnormally large or dilated pupils, strange colors or all black eyes, eyes roll back and show only white, eyes look like a snake with slits?
Have you experienced a putrid stench, rotting flesh, burning sulphur or flesh, familiar perfumes from deceased relatives or friends?
Have you been challenged by strife that is ongoing in home or relationships: repetitive fights, conflict, discord, things breaking down constantly or being lost or disappearing, lying, abuse, addictions, odd pestilences in the home or infestations of rats, flies, gnats, lice, or other pests or unexplained sudden mold growth, cold spots in the home?
Do you wrestle with patterns of addiction: drugs, porn, gaming, masturbation, alcohol, gambling, food, gaming, sugar, shopping, caffeine, avoidance, workaholic, perverse sexual acts or obsessions: constant/obsessive masturbation, fornication, fantasies, adultery, pornography, voyeurism, prostitution?
Do you struggle with pride and idolatry issues: cannot handle constructive criticism or correction, argumentative, narcissism, ego, vanity, unforgiving, never admitting faults or mistakes or apologizing, obsessed with the mirror, never enough plastic surgery or takes constant selfies, vain, boasting, seeks adoration and worship, attention-seeking?
Are you extremely shy or socially inept or fearful: isolated, cowardly, doormat, cannot set boundaries, timid, insecure?
Do you deal with cyclical problems: e.g. always breaking down on the way to church or having an argument, throwing up or getting sick or nauseous every time you go to a certain place or come in contact with a certain person, every holiday being ruined, getting sick the same time every year, being awoken at the same time every night?
Have you experienced unexplained camera or electronic malfunctions that do not have a normal cause?
Do you have flocks of crows that follow you or are unusually attracted to your property?
Do you experience frequent falling pictures, art, or wall hangings, for no apparent reason?
Do you see frightening images projected on walls?
Do you experience hair standing on end, with no normal reason present, no static electricity?
Have you experienced hovering wisps of fog, glitter, or orbs?
Have you seen images or sounds coming from a TV that is not turned on?
Did you or do you have imaginary friends or playmates (often with children)?
Have you experienced items disappearing/appearing in homes/vehicles, with no normal explanation?
Have you ever seen or felt a person riding on your back or on others’ backs?
Have you experienced ripping of clothes repeatedly when there is no logical explanation?
Have you had toys or mechanical toys move or turn on without reason?
Do you experience yawning or falling asleep when not appropriate and not caused by narcolepsy or a medical condition?
Have you ever seen x-ray images/skeletons that are often green or dripping with blood?
If you answered yes to any of these, you are not alone. Most Christians/Believers have struggled with many of these challenges. I have never met any Christian/Believer who could not benefit from deliverance coaching in these and so many other areas.
Ephesians 6:12: For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.