You Either Have A Miracle In Your Mouth Or Destruction In Your Words
This guest post come from Robin Bright, a follower of Christ, single mom of three and Nana of one. She has overcome the trauma of sexual abuse, homelessness, poverty, and addiction to become an advocate for recovery, entrepreneur, and community chaplain. She has been a ghost writer for over a decade and is coming out with her own book later in 2019. She is also the Founder at SOZO Recovery House. You can follow her here:
The spiritual law of faith is predictable – just like the law of gravity – it works for everyone 100% of the time. Faith is the same way – you are either believing fear, or you are believing faith.
Whichever one is in your heart is coming out of your mouth…and your words are a creative force!
It may be true that you are currently struggling with finances or experiencing sickness in your body but how you SPEAK about your situation either changes it or solidifies it.
The Bible says, “let the weak SAY I am strong”
“Let the poor SAY I am rich”
So we look like idiots?
So that our faith filled words can change our current reality and pull heaven down to earth for us!
Say it with me on this Thursday morning!
I am blessed.
I have wisdom for all I will encounter.
I am a container of peace and a blessing to everyone around me.
I am healed and whole.
My mind is clear and my path is straight.
…in Jesus name, Amen!
And keep speaking words of faith until what you see in your life lines up with what you say!