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My newest book, Defeating Your Inner Demons


This book is a practical, step-by-step guide for the reader to overcome and defeat demonic influence and harassment, and explains how to step into the power, authority, and victory that has already been accomplished for them. It further details how to reclaim and occupy the territory that the enemy has stolen, and how to remain free.

Carmel L. Mooney, an ordained deliverance minister, draws on over two decades of deliverance ministry experience to guide the reader how to break free from demonic activity, harassment, oppression, and torment in all areas of their lives.

The author explains little-known cunning and legalistic ways that demons commonly gain entry, how they hide, and how they operate within their military systems. She exposes over 800 common things that attract demonic activity into a person’s life. She presents exactly how to prepare for spiritual battle and how to win it victoriously.

Included are specific steps and detailed prayers that are critical to break free from generational entanglements from anyone’s ancestors’ probable involvement in over 50 different secret societies around the world.

Carmel L. Mooney shows how to effectively break all the curses on the curse continuum and how to break unholy soul ties. She explains how to heal from inner soul wounds and trauma, and how to stay free once delivered. The simple inner healing method in Carmel’s book has been employed to successfully heal over 60,000 people, incuding pastors, around the world, from soul wounds and trauma.

Dozens of true stories of victory are shared, as well as a proven step-by-step guide to winning the reader’s own spiritual war and stepping into the fullness and abundance The Most High has ordained.

Click here to purchase your copy!

Here is a recent testimonial:

I have never recommended a book on spiritual warfare more highly than this one.

I learned more from just the few pages of information in the PREFACE of Carmel Mooney’s book, Defeating Your Inner Demons, than I have in entire volumes on the subject.

Carmel’s down-to-earth conversational writing style makes you feel like you are sitting in the living room with a longtime friend who sincerely desires to help you with some tough life issues…except as she works through certain experiences and situations with her very keen expertise, she points out that these are actually major spiritual battles that you might have been engaged in for decades, and then proceeds to equip you to conquer them once and for all!

I cannot begin to fathom what this world could look like if we were only taught early on how imperative it is to understand that we truly do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (Eph 6:12).

More importantly, what could this world look like if we were trained early on how to do battle effectively with these forces? So often, life feels like things are just happening to us. We suffer the slings and arrows as best we can because we have not been told that we actually have been gifted far more control over those forces by using Biblical tools and spiritual weapons to defeat them.

Read this book. Gift a copy to every Christ follower you know who desires to walk in the freedom of no longer being oppressed by the enemy of our souls!
