Sometimes The Things We Once Wanted Are No Longer a Fit For Us.
This guest post come from Robin Bright, a follower of Christ, single mom of three and Nana of one. She has overcome the trauma of sexual abuse, homelessness, poverty, and addiction to become an advocate for recovery, an entrepreneur, and a community chaplain. She has been a ghost writer for over a decade and is coming out with her own book later in 2019. She is also the Founder at SOZO Recovery House. You can follow her here:
“Sometimes the things we once wanted are no longer a fit for us.”
Funny story…
I have attempted to date, on and off, here and there, for the last four years. I don’t know why….but every once in a while I just have felt like, “maybe that’s what I’m supposed to do” so I would.
It might go back to the 20-something version of myself, when I was worried I’d never get married, never have children, never have the big family gatherings I wanted etc etc.
So, I’m a single woman…
But I already do have a big family, and adult children that I always hang out with, and a grandson, and a meaningful career, and a sober home ministry, and two dogs who hog my entire bed at night, and a beautiful best friend.
So, why am I telling you this?
Because it took me four years to come to terms with the fact that I really love being single.
Marriage is great. Having a partner is wonderful.
I’m not against it.
But it’s not for everyone.
So, what I’m really saying is:
Give yourself permission to be different.
Give yourself permission to live the truth God has spoken to you.
Because that’s where you’ll find the best version of yourself.